Leaving comment on Dilectio
Updates: Even after several tries, Comment Form Placement (the one that embedded below post) is not feasible. As a last resort, I've to make do with Pop-up window type of comment form placement. Well, at least someone can still manage to leave a comment or two on this blog as well as Ron's. It's really simple. After signing in to your account, from Dashboard --> Settings --> Comments and click on Pop-up windows for your Comment Form Placement.Can someone try to comment on my blog?
It seems the post a comment link is not working.I already tried some of the advices written here but still it doesnt work.
Please kindly check it out and give me some advice.
My blog is here: Philippine Wedding Information
Above was Ron's questions on eBlog Templates, but before I proceed any further I would like to tell you a little bit of history first. David, the CEO of eBlog Templates has called me to help him out after reading one of my posts on BlogBeginners.com, Solving Dilectio Blogger Template.
I've to thanks David for giving me the chance to be on his team even on a very small scale. I was having the time of my life especially when I managed to solve some of the problems found on eBlog Templates.
That's why I created this new blog to help me to understand more about Dilectio template because none of my other blogs were using Dilectio. This blog will be used to improve Dilectio template via questions by Dilectio many user.
Okay, to answer Ron's question I would like Ron or anyone reading this post to leave a comment or two for this post. If anyone or Ron was able to leave a comment on this blog, I'm afraid Ron has to upload a new Dilectio template. By the way, I'm not changing anything yet. I'm leaving Dilectio as it is, for now.
That's all for now. Till we meet again on another post, for another question.
Greetings and lots of love from Malaysia.
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I think I am enlightened now. Thanks a lot. I really appreciate your hard work. Two thumbs up for you!
Hola Ron,
Thanks for the comments. Really appreciate it very much. Do come back again.
Greetings and lots of love from Malaysia.
~ ArahMan7
Αfter the "Read more" function for blogger templates, many of us who use customizes templates (like dilectio), have a serious problem. Personally, i followed the instructions on how to add this function to my template, but when i add the read more, all my sidebar is gone!!!! And it goes down, just after my last post (at the left on my blog),....
PLZZZZ any possible solution??????
I appreciate!!
Hi again!! I followed the official blogger team's guide
Post a Comment
I loves to receive comments from everybody and I tried to make everything easier for my readers to comments. So please, be nice even though you totally disagree with me. No comment moderation and whatnot here. Please respect the privileges given.
God's willing, all comments will be followed and replied.
p/s Please leave your URL so that I can follow it and leave comments on yours. No URL = No Comments. It's as simple as that. Thank you in advance.
This blog is NOT using rel="nofollow" attribute. One thing that I can do to encourage you to leave more comments on this blog is to reward you with my link loves to go along with your comments. Without nofollow attribute, the search engines will follow the link so that you will get full credit with SEO. And subsequent pagerank value.
~ ArahMan7
PS - Word verification has been enable. Sorry about that [Sept 3rd, 2013].